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Chapter Stories
Can a successful business be all remote? Even the CEO?
Many employees were forced to adopt the freelance lifestyle when COVID hit. Though a bit of a shock at first, many were happy to have some extra time at home with family and the convenience of their snack cupboards just a room away. For the businesses that employed them, however, the transition to working from home wasn't necessarily a smooth one.
How do you manage a company with an entirely remote workforce? If you were never before involved in the gig economy, you suddenly had to worry about keeping workers motivated, engaged and informed, not knowing when or if they would be returning to the office.
For Max Khindria, the WFH reality ...
Europreneur Podcast Ep 4: Max Khindria on managing digital nomads
How do you run a business that only employs freelancers located in different corners of the world? How do you get their buy in, stay organized, and maintain growth? Well, it helps if you have some experience as a digital nomad yourself.
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